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intercostal arteries中文是什么意思

用"intercostal arteries"造句"intercostal arteries"怎么读"intercostal arteries" in a sentence


  • 肋间动脉


  • Treatment for tearing injuries of finger skin with thin flap of intercostals artery perforating branch
  • Spinal angiograph showed that most of the intercostal arteries in thorax region were connected transversely with the contralateral isonym arteries
  • A wide anastomosis connecting transversely the intercostals arteries can be observed on the thoracic segments , which located on the intervertebral foramen and musculus sacrospinalis nearby , while anastomosis on lumbar segments on iliopsoas muscle and psoas major . 3
  • Methods : anatomic observation and blood vessel casting on 20 cadaveric specimens , as well as spinal cord angiography on 9 adults were taken to analyze medullary arteries and its anastomosis with the intercostal arteries or lumbar artery pertinent to thoracolumbar spinal surgery
    方法: 20俱尸体运用解剖、血管铸型及9例成年人常规进行超选择性脊柱脊髓血管造影等方法,对脊柱脊髓血管应用解剖较系统地研究,了解脊柱脊髓血供及代偿通路。
  • Conclusions : radiculomedullary arteries would not be damaged if intercostal arteries are deligated at the lateral of transversocostal joint or beyond 1cm of the caput costaes on anterior approach . the distance between two adjacent intercostal or lumbar arteries provide a safe window through which a herniated thoracic disc maybe approached . it indicates the least injury of vessels in osteotomy via the posterior approach in the middle of arcus vertebrae and vertebral body
用"intercostal arteries"造句  


The intercostal arteries are a group of arteries that supply the area between the ribs ("costae"), called the intercostal space.
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